Chopstix Fellowship is a Christian group at the University of Technology Sydney. During our regular weekly gatherings, members come together for a variety of activities such as reading the Bible, singing hymns, playing board games, and sharing meals. This fellowship provides a warm and welcoming environment for members to explore their faith, connect with others, and enjoy communal activities. It's a great opportunity for us to nurture our spiritual growth while enjoying a sense of community and support.
Chopstix Fellowship是雪梨科技大學的華人基督教團體。 在我們每週例行的聚會中,會員們聚在一起進行各種活動,例如閱讀聖經、唱讚美詩、玩棋盤遊戲和分享餐點。 團契為成員提供了一個溫暖而熱情的環境,讓他們探索自己的信仰,與他人聯繫並享受社區活動。 這對我們來說是一個很好的機會,可以在享受社區和支持的同時,培養我們的靈性成長。